Digital Transformation

AWS vs Azure vs Google (STAawsazure)

Over the last decade we have seen huge digital transformation across all industries. With this, we have seen an absolute explosion of data, leaving companies with a key challenge – how to store and manage huge amounts of data, files and applications when their own servers can no longer handle the volume.

This challenge has been overcome by the fast-growing cloud computing industry, offering companies with a pay-as-you-go solution to data storage. Three key players have emerged out of the cloud computing industry - Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud platform.

This Short Course compares these three cloud computing giants, exploring the pro’s and con’s of each. You will also look at the terminology of cloud computing as well as the key characteristics, use cases, services and applications available in AWS, Azure and Google.
  • AWS vs Azure vs Google
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever